Daniel Conway

A 2024 graduate of UC Berkeley with a B.S. in Environmental Economics & Policy and a certificate in Entrepreneurship & Technology, I am deeply committed to leveraging technology for climate action. My journey with the Jewish Solar Challenge began in May 2022 as an intern, sparked by my leadership in the Berkeley Hillel solar project alongside Mitchell. Since then, I have dedicated myself to helping other Jewish non-profits get the benefits of solar while finishing my degree.

I am also passionate about revolutionizing our food systems through alternative proteins. I aim to develop climate-friendly, delicious, and kosher options that will significantly transform the global food system.

In college, I created a Plant Futures chapter dedicated to engaging with new, sustainable food technologies. Also, I served as President of Bears for Israel and refounded the Jewish fraternity on campus, Alpha Epsilon Pi.

In my free time, I love to cook, travel, and surf!

Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, or at daniel@jewishsolarchallenge.org.