Brian Greene headshot

Brian Greene

Brian has served as the Executive Director of Westside Jewish Community Center since 2004. Prior to joining WJCC, Brian was the International Director of the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization. He served as the Director of Camp Ramah in California for eight years and was the Director of Education at Congregation B’nai Emunah in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Brian grew up in Vancouver, Canada, where he spent winters skiing and summers salmon fishing.

A graduate of American Jewish University’s undergraduate and graduate education programs, Brian has taught on the faculty of the Fingerhut School of Education at AJU and at Gratz College in Philadelphia.

In 2012 the Jewish Communal Professionals of Southern California awarded Brian the Alan J. Kassin Award for Outstanding Professional Achievement. He is married to Lisa Feldman, and they have three sons - Sam, Noah and Yoni.